JCPENNEY 系統稽核所需之文件(中國)
時間:2014-06-09 13:44
JCPENNEY 系統稽核所需之文件(中國)
The document checklist (china)
Timecard or attendance records(last 12 months starting from the most recent paying month)
Payroll records for paid wages(last 12 months starting from the most recent paying month)
3、人事花名冊及員工個人檔案 Personnel records
4、勞動合同labor contract
5、社會保險收據、花名冊及合格證明文件等receipt, name list and certificate of social insurance, Etc.
6、工商營業執照 business registration
7、消防檢查報告或合格證明文件Fire safety in section or certificate
8、消防演習記錄、緊急疏散計劃及工傷記錄等fire drill record, emergency evacuation plan, work accident records and work-related injury record
9、 環保證明文件 Environmental certificate
10、 廠規或員工手冊 Factory regulation or employee handbook
11、政府有關當地最低工資規定文件 Local minimum wage standard
12、 設備安全許可證(如電梯使用許可證,廚房衛生許可證等)facilities safety operation certificate, such as lift operation license Hygiene certificate and cookers’ health certificate
13、 特種工人上崗(如電梯工,電工,廚工,衛生許可證等)Operation certificate of special Operators, such as lift operator, electrician cooks’ health certificate. Etc.
14、當地勞動局關于延長加班之批文 Official walver for overtime Extension
15、未成年工體檢及勞動局登記記錄 young workers’ health-examination and registration records
16、廠房平面圖Factory building layout
17、工人請假單/離職記錄 leave/resign record
18、斷針換針記錄 broken needle record
19、其它文件(視其審核情況而定)other documents, subject to actual circumstances during the audit