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時間:2014-06-09 13:25 來源: 作者: 點擊:
Arlington, Va. and New York, April 22, 2010 – Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) announced today that Anvil Knitwear, a leading manufacturer of sportswear and accessories, is the first company worldwide to receive the organization’s new WRAPe certificate for its textile mill, located in Honduras. 2010年4月22日,WRAP對外宣布,位于洪都拉斯的知名運動服裝制造商Anvil Knitwear成為全球首家獲發WRAPe證書的企業。
WRAPe is an enhanced environmental audit protocol that was developed over the past two years along with a group of environmental experts from the field. WRAPe is a comprehensive audit encompassing environmental management systems, waste discharge, use of chemicals in the manufacturing process and a great deal more, in addition to WRAP’s existing rigorous compliance requirements. It was designed for the producers of textiles, leather products, notions, packaging and the other products that go into the final product for the apparel, footwear, leather and sewn products categories. WRAPe認證是WRAP在過去的兩年里與環境領域專家共同為紡織生產企業制定的提升版的環境審核項目。該項目是在WRAP現有的審核要求基礎上,增加對 環境管理體系、廢棄物處理、化學品使用情況的綜合審核。WRAPe認證適用于紡織、皮具、飾物、包裝及其它一些最終成品為服裝、鞋襪、皮革及紡織品類別的 生產產家。

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